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发布时间:2015-09-09 来源: 打印 作者:肖浩 字号:

From its beginnings as Torben Karlshoej’s small chartering operation in 1973, Teekay has grown into a truly worldwide industry leader. Evolving beyond its initial conventional tanker business, Teekay Corporation tanker stands as a diversified marine energy business, owning and operating vessels ranging from gas carrier and offshore shuttle tankers, to FSOs and billion-dollar-FPSOs.

1973年开始,Terben Karlshoerj创办的teekay从一个经营租船业务的小公司发展成为名副其实的全球航运业领军者。曾经单一的油轮公司,如今已完成蜕变,成为多元化海洋能源产业公司,拥有并经营着液化气船、工程船、浮式储油船乃至多个造价十亿美元的海上浮式储油平台。


Since weathering financial and economic hardships in the early 1990s, Teekay has grown ten-fold in assets, created four publicly traded companies and established numerous joint ventures-all while holding true to Torben’s high standards of operational excellence.




Though the future of the shipping and marine energy industries remains uncertain, Teekay is ready to move forward. Having survived the recent global recession, Teekay Corporation has emerged stronger than ever. With a varied portfolio of assets, dynamic leadership and experienced staff, the company is prepared to succeed in the short-term and adeptly meet the challenges ahead.


尽管航运业和海洋能源产业前途未卜,Teekey已整装待发。Teekey 从全球经济衰退中幸存下来,变得愈发强大。以其多样化的资产、强有力的领导和经验丰富的员工,Teekey将在短期内获得成功并轻松应对未来挑战。



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